Important Factors to Consider When Selecting Headstones for Your Departed Loved One
The headstone is the permanent marker of the resting place for the dearly departed. It is also a great way to commemorate someone's life. It is specifically because it is very important to those who are left behind that there is a need to exercise adequate care when you are selecting the most ideal tombstone. Here are some tips on how to ensure that you select the best headstone.
The ideal material
Several materials can be used to make headstones such as marble, limestone, granite, slate, wood, sandstone and so on. It is noteworthy that the most common materials are granite and marble. Regardless, several factors will guide your selection of the material including your budget and the cemetery rules and regulations. Make sure that you explore all the possible options that will fit your budget before settling on a material.
The design
Gravestones may be made into several designs aside from the traditional rectangular design. Some of them include sculptures, tablets, blocks, clapped stone and so on. The more complex the design, the more expensive it becomes. Once again, aside from your personal taste and preference, your budget will dictate your choice. Moreover, the rules of the cemetery where your loved one will finally rest will determine your choice. However, it is always great to settle on the design that you are sure your loved one will appreciate and that you are comfortable with.
The general rules and regulations of the cemetery
It is always important to keep in mind that at the end of the day, your loved one will rest at the cemetery, which has its own rules. For instance, cemetery regulations may dictate the type of material to be used on the headstone, the size of the headstone or even the design of the headstone. Therefore, when buying the headstone for your deceased loved one, ensure that your selection matches the cemetery rules and regulations.
The information you would like to be included
You need to know early enough what information you would like to be included on the gravestone before hiring the contractor to carve the stone for you. Knowing the information beforehand will also help you to decide things such as the appropriate size for the tombstone. Common information usually includes the deceased's name, the date of birth and death, surviving family members and sometimes a quote. Whatever the information, it needs to be decided upon quick enough for the headstone designer to get to work.