Facts About Funeral Directors

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It is advisable to contact a funeral director upon the death of a loved one. Their primary role entails arranging for funerals and coordinating the intricacies involved. Therefore, a funeral director meets with family representatives and discusses details to ensure that a funeral meets a loved one's wishes. That said, most people know very little about funeral directors, making it difficult to understand what they do. This article highlights critical facts about funeral directors to help you understand their role in a funeral arrangement.

Funeral Directors Are Highly Educated 

From face value, it might seem like one does not need much training to become a funeral director. In fact, some people may think that any person with some form of management background can become a funeral director. However, nothing could be further from the truth because a professional funeral director must undertake training in mortuary science and pass a licencing exam. The training equips funeral directors with skills in grief and death counselling, business management and law, all of which are necessary to run a successful funeral home. In addition, some funeral directors pursue further training in thanatology — the study of death, grief and bereavement — to help them learn and understand how people mourn.

Some Funeral Directors Are Embalmers 

When some people think about the role of a funeral director, embalming may be the last thing on their minds. It refers to the process of preserving a dead body through arterial injections, and one must be licensed to become an embalmer. While it is true that a funeral director does not have to be an embalmer, some prefer to be double-licensed. It means that they get licensed both as a funeral director and as an embalmer. It may be better to work with a funeral director who understands the science behind embalming.

Modern Funeral Directors Are Creative 

Long gone are the days when funeral homes solely provided traditional religious funeral services to the bereaved. Although funeral homes are typically sombre environments, modern funeral directors rely on their creativity to create a lasting experience. For instance, funeral directors today offer online broadcasting services for families that want more people to be part of the funeral service. Others might employ grief pets in their funeral homes to help children cope with losing a loved one. Themed funerals are also another creative way funeral directors offer a personalised celebration of life. Most importantly, a creative funeral director will help you arrange a unique service that reflects a loved one's life and personality.
